Saturday, May 27, 2006

A first for everything

right guys, just got back from the pub and ui thought that I wouold leave the first drunken post on my much anticipated blog.
here u get to delve into the deeper inner thoughts of a drunk jon, and i apologise for any spelling mistaked that may occure!
not that much is on ,my mind to be fair, have had a really nice nite with jel, one of my good frineds from back home, and i am totally content with everything that is happening at the mo. i love u all, thanks for reading

Monday, May 22, 2006


I got the following thought from my brother Simon's blog ( He was bitching on about his weekly routine, and that everyone easily slips into a routine, forgetting what they really want and rather than pursuing dreams, just following a routine.
This is something that scares me, I get pissed off by the routine of 15 hours of lectures at university, what am I going to do when I get to a work environment.
I have dreams and aspirations and my deepest fear is that I will forget these dreams and fall into routine too easily just because its the 'done' thing.
If your reading this and your not happy where you are, do something about it. Its pointless sitting at your desk everyday and bitching about your job if your not going to be proactive in changing your situation.
No-one can take your dreams away from you - never let them!

The brothers three

As most of you probably know I am the youngest of three brothers. Nick ( has had his blog established for a while, and Simon has just gone against his luddite beliefs and set up a blog of his own. This can be seen at I recommend this as a good read, he has a brilliantly sharp sense of humour and a very satirical view on modern society. Give it a click - it's definately worth doing!

You can now keep up with the brothers three through our mentally awesome blogs!

The weekend just gone

Isn't it weird how you look forward to something for a long time, and when it comes its gone before you know it!
The weekend just gone my bir bro Nick ( came to visit me as he was playing for Christians in sport. I had been looking forward to it for a while because we had never really socialised off home territory, and the pressures of home life often mean that we piss each other off.
When he came down at the weekend though, I had a great time. I think he'd be the first to admit that he's not had the easiest of times since Christmas, but now he seemed so much better. There was a smile back on his face, and that glint of mischief in his eye that was long forgotten about.
I'm glad to see he's back to his old way and I hope it can last!