A first for everything
right guys, just got back from the pub and ui thought that I wouold leave the first drunken post on my much anticipated blog.
here u get to delve into the deeper inner thoughts of a drunk jon, and i apologise for any spelling mistaked that may occure!
not that much is on ,my mind to be fair, have had a really nice nite with jel, one of my good frineds from back home, and i am totally content with everything that is happening at the mo. i love u all, thanks for reading
here u get to delve into the deeper inner thoughts of a drunk jon, and i apologise for any spelling mistaked that may occure!
not that much is on ,my mind to be fair, have had a really nice nite with jel, one of my good frineds from back home, and i am totally content with everything that is happening at the mo. i love u all, thanks for reading